Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oh, How Far You've Come

When you are an actor, you know you spend most of your time not working in the job you love.  I've discussed different ways you could keep yourself busy during those down times, like producing your own stuff.

But sometimes not working can be pretty depressing and it can be hard to even get out of your pajamas much less be proactive.  I've talked about watching movies and reading plays when you feel down, but sometimes you're so far down the rabbit hole even that won't pull you out of it.

So, when I am spiraling down into that dark place, one thing I like to do is remind myself how far I've come.  No matter how long you've been following your dreams, I guarantee you've come a ways from where you started.  Think of everything you've learned since you began. 

I think of the plays I've been in and even the scenes I've done in class; all the short films I've helped out on or acted in.  Every little thing I've done has taught me something new about my chosen profession.  I know I've come far since I moved out here, but sometimes I need to take a moment to reflect on it all to really see it. 

I'm here to remind you that this business is a 10-year project (at the least.)  Yes, some people get lucky and make it before then, but don't expect that.  Just remember every step forward, no matter how small, is still a step towards where you want be and you gotta keep moving. 

But, it's okay every once and a while to look back to see just how far you've come.


  1. My project is going on 33 years and I'm starting to get impatient! :)

    1. Tammy, don't forget to look at all the jobs you have worked and the stuff you've done. Seriously, you've done so much!
