Monday, July 18, 2011

Serious Actors Take Classes

In last week's post, Where is your Craft, I questioned how people could claim to be following their dream without working on their craft.  I wanted to follow-up on that and talk a little bit more in-depth about the importance of acting classes and why it's hard for me to take you seriously as an actor if you don't take classes.

I've said it before but it is worth repeating: LEARNING TO BE AN ACTOR IS A LIFELONG PROCESS!

Just because you've booked a few roles doesn't mean that you have no more to learn.  Doris Roberts at 80 still goes to her acting class every week and she's been in the business for 60 years.  From Doris Roberts' Interview with CBS:
"I go [to class] every Saturday morning, I went this morning! I keep learning. See, the important thing about getting older is not to settle. The minute you settle, it's like a disease: if you give into it, become a victim, then you're dished. So I don't settle."
Ted Danson spoke with the Washington Post about working with an acting coach for his role on "Damages."
"[Acting coach] Harold [Guskin] got me to stop being a nice actor. . . . There was an arrogance that he gave me to the acting process that was fun to play with."
Do you still think you have nothing to gain from taking classes or that they are a waste of money?

I found a school that works for me and that I enjoy in Playhouse West.  But, I know that everybody works differently and needs help in different areas so I suggest auditing many different classes to find the one that is right for you.  Don't use not liking a particular class or teacher as an excuse to not go to any classes.  There are so many acting classes in Los Angeles, I guarantee there is one for you.

Now, I want you to understand that I am not talking Casting Director workshops.  They may pretend to be classes, but we all know what they really are.  I am not going to weigh in on the fight over whether CD workshops are worthwhile or not, but one thing I do know is that they are not training.  So, please do not put workshops under training on your resume (and yes, I have seen that), if you do this I will immediately think less of you as an actor.

So, if you aren't taking classes ask yourself how serious you really are about pursuing this career.

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