Monday, May 28, 2012

Does Anyone Out There Know How to Network?

I need to admit something to you guys.  I am terrible at networking; I have no idea how to go about it.  Any actor who gets an agent while working as a bartender or cast in a movie after meeting a director at a party impress me.  I'm especially terrible at parties because I tend to just stand by the food (cheese is my downfall) and find it difficult to "schmooze."

No matter how difficult it is to network, Hollywood is a people business and who you know does matter.  If schmoozing at parties isn't your thing and the idea of approaching someone at your day job with a headshot makes you feel sick to your stomach, how do you get to know the right people?

Maybe it's just the word "networking" that bothers me so much.  It just sounds disingenuous.

Quite a few actors have taken to twitter and follow directors, producers, casting people.  I don't know if this has led to any successful business relationships, but I think the key is to engage sincerely and don't try to kiss up as so many people seem to do.  Twitter may be a start, but I don't think you should let it be the only way you try to connect.

What you should be doing is making friends, not "connections" and you don't make friends by worrying about how they can help your career.  You make friends by being there when they need you.

Here are some of my ideas on non-network-networking:
  • Help out at a film festival.
  • Volunteer at something you feel passionate about, like at an animal shelter or Habitat for Humanity.
  • When you meet a casting director at an audition or workshop, offer to be a reader for them.
  • Offer to help on your friend's film sets (even if they didn't cast you.)
  • Get involved in hobbies you love. 
Do you guys have any other ideas?  How have you all made contacts in the "biz?"
The truth is you never know who you might meet or where you might meet them.  So, never be afraid to say you are an actor, but remember you are a whole person with other interests and those other things may be the key to making a new friend.

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