Monday, January 14, 2013

The Camera as an Extension of Self

Finally saw "Zero Dark Thirty" and got a bonus Q&A with Golden Globe winner, Jessica Chastain.  I found her so inspiring because she spent years struggling in LA and working hard before she became a working actor.  Helps me to see the light at the end for me.

She spoke about working with Al Pacino in "Salome" and some of the lessons she learned from him.  One that I really loved was something for all stage actors who have made the move to film.  She said the camera always made her a bit nervous since she had trained on the stage.

Pacino told her to think of the camera as an extension of herself.  The camera sees you in a much more intimate way than even your acting partner can and you can't hide anything from the camera.  Ms. Chastain said she began thinking of the camera as an extension of her soul and as a tool in her acting.  Eventually, it becomes something you don't think about and it is just another appendage like an arm.

I do wish to learn to use the camera in more powerful ways and plan on using this pilot season to really develop the skill by self taping as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen "Zero Dark Thirty" yet, but every performance I've seen from her has been phenomenal. One of the finest actors on screen right now.

    A very interesting piece of advice - thanks for passing it on.

