Monday, April 22, 2013

The Problem with Rushing

So, here's something I often struggle with in auditions: I rush.  It's a constant battle for me to take my time in auditions and be, you know, a good actor.

I do the things you are supposed to do: I am prepared, I breakdown my sides, know all the moments, know my doings, I take the time in the waiting room to calm myself.  Yet, often I go in there and rush - especially the first time through.  (I tend to relax by my second read - I love those second takes.)

But, you don't always get a second take.  So, how do you make your first try as good as your second?

Well, I've begun to understand why I rush.  Rushing is a symptom of a lack of confidence.  There is a fear that if you take your time, don't constantly fill the space with talking, people watching will lose interest.  Of course, I know logically that this isn't true and that the most interesting acting moments are almost always behavior and not from the lines. 

But, how do I take that knowledge of why I rush and why it's bad, get past my own nerves to bring into the audition room the best actor I know I can be?

Yeah, I don't have the best answer for that.  Except that before I walk into the room I try to remain calm and remind myself to take my time.  Sometimes it works, sometimes my nerves get the better of me.

But, hey, I never said I wasn't a work in progress.

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